cole webber


UX/UI Designer & web developer



Hello! My name is Cole and I am currently

days old.

We now know that over 98% of our children are born geniuses, yet many people are hesitant to use their innate capacities. We have to break down barriers preventing our world from being fixed overnight. I do a lot of things to help tackle these issues which come up.

These include my recent two books, as well filing for my first patent. In addition, I have also co-designed 23 schools, spoken at over 30 events in 4 countries including a TEDx talk, cowritten policy for the government, acted as an advisor to 15+ government officials and agencies, and sat on numerous international boards regarding education and development. I have also been fortunate enough to receive numerous awards and positions relating to citizenship. My work relating to anthropology, design, education, film studies, architecture and construction, as well has my short fiction, has also been published.

If you would like to see all that I have done, please visit my basic bio, which comprises a listing of the projects I have been involved in to date. I am very energetic and passionate to realize humanity’s new moment of critical potential. Other than this, I am a very average human being.