It’s always an insiders world in the instant, but an outsiders world over any period of time that is cosmically significant; any period of time beyond human-time. The insiders create the problems, the great breakthroughs and solutions are made by the outsiders, as a very inherent sort of a thing. The same way going that started a problem won’t fix it.
We had the reality be for most of humanity’s history that the outsiders were operating primarily for people ahead in time from them. They still are, since any invention is really most valuable to the more people past the death of the inventor who will use it. But we are just now getting to the point in terms of technological generations versus human generations (which are always inter-affecting each other) that the outsider-inventor can see results within their own lifetime. Before we had it that they were far too often imprisoned, house-arrested, decried, even locked up in insane asylums within their own lifetime. Then maybe even a hundred years later, somebody found out they were right the whole time (or more accurately more-right, since we are are always finding improvements and therefore can never be wholly right) and then we say “Well it would be nice to paint portraits of them now and put their doodles into museums,” and things like this. So Van Gogh and DaVinci’s artifacts then become worth so much that they could be the richest humans at their time — but it was considered worthless then. Invariably, since you have to spend your time developing it, and because of our expanding population and continuous improvements via always coming up outsiders, inventions are still onward most useful to the most after the outsider death. But the generations are aligning such that the outsider, while almost guaranteed to be ridiculed, questioned, decried, and all the rest early on, can have a shot at seeing some of the reward in their later years. This is the mere fact — coterminous, both allowed by and causing — the introduction of patent laws. For most of our history they would have been nonsensical because the inventor never would have seen widespread use of the invention in their own lifetime, much less in a twenty year term as is the case with most patent protection now.
The outsiders have always been inventing and moving forward, even at great cost and with no incentive, so it is a personality trait less than a manipulatable societal trend. It is societies most constant and unmoving trend, yet it essentially entirely unpredictable and undetectable, because it is always counter-trending to everything else: the salmon pushing up the stream. But I am so deeply excited that the resistance is becoming less and less, the generations such aligning that the salmon itself, not their descendant, might now actually reach the end of the stream, that we may find many more people becoming much more comfortable with being an outsider. As we know more and more, we are all different outsiders.