
Cole Webber is an inventor, author and ‘comprehensivist’ (the opposite of a specialist). He is the author of four books and holds patents in multiple countries. He has spoken internationally at over 40+ events in 6 countries, often as keynote and including at a TEDx event. He has worked on numerous design projects including the design of 23 schools. He has served on scientific advisory boards to international organizations, and his work on design, anthropology, construction, and education, as well as his short fiction, has been published. His company won the Canadian federal government’s COVID-19 Digital Clearinghouse challenge and received $1.3 million in grants to develop technology to improve resiliency to supply chain and scheduling issues, first in healthcare and then in construction.

Future-Learning Ready: The Imperative of Trauma-Informed Design in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Workshop, with Dena Eaton-Colles, Bassetti Architects and Jamies Makara, Portland Public Schools, Association for Learning Environments LearningScapes Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 2024

Innovating a Design and Construction Solution to the Housing Crisis, with Craig Webber, Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) Annual Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, May 2024

Education in an Age of AI, Association for Learning Environments Virginia Chapter Annual Conference, Virginia Beach, Virginia, March 2024

Effective, Efficient & Sustainable Design: Leveraging Generative Artificial Intelligence for Better Architecture & Interior Design Outcomes, Panel Discussion with Sabine Grimes, Unison Group; Yehia Madkour, Perkins and Will; and Anastasiia Romanic, Eight Station, BUILDEX, Vancouver, British Columbia, February 2024

Next Gen Construction, Alberta Roofing Contractor’s Association Advanced Training Day, Red Deer, Alberta, April 2023

The Future of Education, Keynote, Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) Pacific Northwest Regional Conference, Vancouver, Canada, April 20 2023

Education in 2070, Keynote, Association for Learning Environments (A4LE) North Carolina Chapter Conference, New Bern, USA, April 17 2023

From Supply Chains to Supply Networks, Keynote, Southern Interior Construction Association (SICA) CCO Workshop, Kelowna, Canada, February 16 2023

Avoiding a Tragic Return to Normal, with Craig Webber, BUILDEX Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada, February 15 2023

Navigating Disruption and Rethinking Supply Chains, Keynote, BUILDEX Alberta, Calgary, Canada, October 26 2022

From Supply Chains to Supply Networks, Keynote, Canada Roofing Contractor’s Association Annual Conference, Edmonton, Canada, May 2022

Optimizing Blended Learning at Both Ends, International Conference for Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL), Dubai, United Arab Emirates (moved to virtual), Award for Best Paper Presenter, February 19 2022

From Supply Chains to Supply Networks, Keynote, Mechanical Contractor’s Association of Alberta Annual Meeting, Red Deer, Canada, September 28 2021

Lowering Distribution Costs: The Key to Sustainable Health Development? European Centre for Sustainable Development (ECSDEV), Rome, Italy (moved to virtual), September 8 2021

Next Generation LEAN, LEAN Construction Institute of Canada, Annual Conference (moved to virtual), June 23, 2021

Guest Speaker, Breakthrough your Business, Red Deer College, Red Deer, Canada, January 2020

Education in 2070, Keynote, international Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Pacific Northwest Annual Conference, Regina, Canada, May 2019

Empowering Modern Learners, Panel discussion, international Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Alberta Chapter Annual Conference, March 8 2019

Why do you go to school? The future of student qualifications, Presentation and workshop, international Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Alberta Chapter Annual Conference, March 7 2019

The Future of Qualifications, Workshop, international Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), Chicago, USA, November 2018

Design Thinking in Education, University of Calgary Faculty of Education Colloquium, Calgary, Canada, March 2018

What is Education good for? TEDx at British School in the Netherlands, Voorschoten, the Netherlands, November 2017

World of Choices, the Future of Education, Keynote, Junior Achievement Southern Alberta, Red Deer, Canada, Spring 2016

Sparked, Presenter, Canadian representative and session chair at the International Conference for Education Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville, Spain, October 2015

Sparked Foundation, Keynote, Public School Boards’ Association of Alberta (PBSAA), Edmonton, Canada, November 2015

What is the purpose of education? Lecture for Alberta High School Redesign Regional Consortium, distributed by Alberta Education as Professional Development for Teachers, recorded in Red Deer, Canada, May 2015

Presentation of Concepts for Red Deer Museum and Gallery (MAG) Renovation Project, MAG Annual General Meeting, Red Deer, Alberta, May 2015

LEAN Manufacturing Methodology for Education, Workshop, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 2014

Convocation Address, Red Deer College 50th Anniversary Convocation, Red Deer, Canada, May 2014

Educational Processes, Workshop, Indianapolis, USA, September 2013

Schools of the Future, Guest Lecturer to Doctorate in Education Students, University of Calgary, Summer 2013

Schools of the Future, Keynote, presented to delegations from the Yukon, British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, Alberta, and Saskatchewan, in Edmonton, Canada, September 2013

Schools of the Future, presentation to Premier, Minister of Education, Minister of Infrastructure, and Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs to AlbertaRed Deer, Canada, June 2013

Guest Speaker to Alberta Infrastructure Team, Edmonton, Canada 2013

Calgary, Canada

Chicago, USA

Dubai, United Arab Emirates (moved to virtual)

Edmonton, Canada

Indianapolis, USA

Kelowna, Canada

Lake Louise, Canada

New Bern, USA

Niagara Falls, Canada

Pittsburgh, USA

Portland, Oregon, USA

Red Deer, Canada

Regina, Canada

Rome, Italy (moved to virtual)

Saskatoon, Canada

San Diego, USA

Seville, Spain

Vancouver, Canada

Virginia Beach, USA

Voorschoten, The Netherlands

Winner of Phase 2 of the COVID-19 Digital Clearinghouse Challenge by the National Research Council of Canada, Grant of $1M, one of two phase 2 winners selected through a competitive process, April 2021

Winner of Phase 1 of the COVID-19 Digital Clearinghouse Challenge Grant of ~$300,000, Challenge sponsored by Public Service and Procurement Canada (PSPC), the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and Innovative Solutions Canada. Over 70 companies entered the challenge to develop technology to manage Canada’s emergency stockpiles and address systemic supply chain issues in light of the pandemic, and of these 4 were selected in a competitive process based on intellectual property, ability and potential, August 2020

Design consultant, winning IPD Proposal for Nordik Spa Group, 2019

Peer Reviewer, Conference Organizer for EDULEARN Event, hosted by the International Academy for Technology, Education and Development, Spain, 2018

Jury Member for the Schools Next Competition, Association of Learning Environments, September 2016

Consultant, German-based furniture company VS to develop plans for a line of collaborative student designed furniture (ultimately defunct project), 2016

Sparked Foundation named mentorship coordinator for the Association for Learning Environments (A4LE), 2016

Member, Scientific Advisory Board to the International Academy for Technology, Education and Development (IATED), 2016

Non-profit organization, Sparked Foundation, received certification as an educational institution from Google for Education, Spring 2016

Founder and President, Sparked Foundation, education focused not for profit, 2015-2016

Invited to co-organize and peer review new Tripartite Journal of Education (headquartered in India), 2015

Jury Member for the Schools Next Competition, Association for Learning Environments, 2015

Canadian Representative, Session Chair, International Conference for Education Research and Innovation (ICERI), Seville, Spain, October 2015

Member, Red Deer Public School District Student Advisory Council, 2015-2017

Member, Committee to revise Alberta Teacher and School Leader Professional Standards, youngest and only student member, 2015-2016

Consultant, Red Deer Museum and Gallery Renovation Project, May 2015

Canadian Delegate, International Summit for the Teaching Profession, 2015, March 2015 (One of five total student delegates from the 30 countries present)

Coordinating member of ‘Speak Out’, Alberta Government’s student engagement initiative, 2014-2015

Advisor to Albertan Minister of Education, 2013-2015 (Ministers included Jeff Johnson, Dave Hancock (interim), Gordon Dirks and David Eggen)

Coordinator for Student Input, Designer for the Annie L. Gaetz Courtyard Renovation Project, Summer 2014

Education Consultant to the Ministry of Education, Saskatchewan, 2014

Consultant and Facilitator, Ministry of Education Saskatchewan School Bundle Design Project, ultimately resulted in the development and construction of 18 schools from shared blueprints, March 2014

Automation short story | sci-fi, love available in Rue Scribe, Underwood Press, March 2022

Lowering Distribution Costs: The Key to Sustainable Health Development? article | LEAN methodology, healthcare, distribution, supply chain in European Journal for Sustainable Development (EJSD), Volume 10, No. 4 (October 2021), pages 155-166, ISSN 2239-5938 (print) ISSN 2239-6101 (online) Doi: 10.14207

May we make you a mind? book | sci-fi (67 pages) May 2020

Watch your dreams on television book | short story, essay and poetry collection, sci-fi, horror, fantasy, private press, June 2019

OMNINET book | design, technology, education, creativity, economics, communication, psychology (373 pages) ISBN: 978-1729552995 October 2018

Tip Toes short story | horror, weird available in The Weird Reader, Volume 3 (2018), page 19

Culture Defines Usefulness article | anthropology, design, construction, geodesic structures, housing, sustainability available in AGORA Journal, Volume 4 (2018), pages 1-6

Can Students Design Their Own Learning? edited by Terry White article | education, technology, architecture, design, construction available in Learning Spaces, journal of the international Association for Learning Environments, First Quarter 2018 (Volume 4.1), pages 64-68 ISSN: 2515-463X

A Case for Integration, co-authored with Craig Webber article | architecture, construction, design, sustainability, integrated project delivery (IPD) available in Design Quarterly, Winter 2018, pages 18-19 ISSN: 0834-3357

Disneyland by Design: an unauthorized analysis of the design success of Walt’s first theme park book | design, technology, creativity, urban planning, nature of work (160 pages) ISBN: 978-1983607059

Sparked, co-authored with Sarah MacLellan article | education, technology available in International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation Proceedings 2015 via the International Academy for Technology, Education and Development ISBN: 978-8460826576

What is the purpose of education? video of lecture, professional development materials | education, technology, nature of work. Produced in conjunction with the High School Redesign Regional Consortium, distributed by Alberta Education, 2015

Supply chain prodigy targets construction [profile] by Don Wall in Construct Connect, June 29 2021

Profile, CTV News Edmonton, primetime, June 11 2021

Red Deer businessman receives $1 million federal grant to help address COVID supply chain issues [interview] by Sheldon Spackman in Red Deer News Now, June 7, 2021

Red Deer inventor scores $1.3M in grants to develop new app to help hospitals [interview] by Lana Michelin in The Red Deer Advocate, June 3, 2021

Government of Canada invests in innovative Canadian solutions to help in the fight against COVID-19 [press release] by John Power for Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, May 26, 2021

Self-Education is the Currency of the Future [interview] distributed by the British School in the Netherlands, August 4, 2017

Imagining the Future of Education [interview] by Mary-Ann Barr in Momentum: Young People Who Shape Central Alberta, July 17, 2015

School of the Future Eyed for Pilot Project [interview] by Crystal Rhyno in The Red Deer Advocate, Summer 2013

Premier Visits Students Who Designed ‘Cutting Edge’ School [profile] by Jenna Swan in The Red Deer Express, June 5, 2013

Students Pitch to Premier [interview] and Students: Innovative [profile] by Susan Zielinski in The Red Deer Advocate, June 4, 2013

The Future Has Arrived [profile] by Murray Crawford in The Red Deer Advocate, April 2013

Students Plan ‘School of the Future’ [interview] by Susan Zielinski in The Red Deer Advocate, February 22, 2013

Premier’s Citizenship Award, Recognizing outstanding contributions in citizenship, leadership, community service and volunteer work, 2017

Red Deer Mayor’s Special Award, Recognizing acts of heroism or international notability, 2014

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Red Deer College, 2017-2018 (no degree)

University of Alberta, 2018-2019 (no degree)